Sunday, April 30, 2017

Z is for ZIG-ZAG of RED #AtoZ #PoetryMonth

April #AtoZChallenge and #PoetryMonth
Three goals I had in mind while writing my collection of linked poetry:
1. To celebrate my appreciation of life
2. To experience the process of writing linked poetry, a form of Japanese renshi
3. To give thanks for and better appreciate a life well-lived.
The flowers are a colorful bonus for the #AtoZChallenge
***   ***   ***
Z is for Zig-Zag of Red and Zinnea

A white-washed canvas,
still life with fireworks,
promises of an exciting display. 

Colors intended only for dreamers
burst before her eyes,
lighting up the blackness left by
a long forgotten sunset. 

A zig-zag of red, stars
too bright to track
spiral down.
She hears the sizzle as
they strike the ocean’s surface
like lava streaming from a cliff
to cool and form new land. 

Thoughts spew forth.
A mind once fallow
now overflows.
A rocket launch
of crackling practicality
explodes to reveal stunning possibilities.
***   ***   ***
Where do you get your best ideas, while lying in bed ready for sleep or watching the celebration of fireworks on a warm summer's eve? Mine seem to burst forth at the exact time I am without pencil and paper.
For your visits to my site in April and your many interesting comments,
Mahalo and Aloha,



  1. Hi Gail - love the poem ... can see the zig-zag of reds and hues. Blog post ideas spring around me all the time - it needs to be tidied up! Good luck with remembering yours ... I'm looking forward to some warm summer's evenings ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. Today we have drizzling rain, a prelude to the sunshine of May and celebration of May Day. Warm summer's evenings will definite follow.

  2. Lovely imagery.
    I really enjoyed your theme...popping over to your blog was a wonderful and calming experience.
    Congrats on crossing the A to Z finishing line, Gail.
    Writer In Transit

    1. For all your visits through April and your interesting comments, Michelle, I thank you. How pleasing to hear it was a calming experience for you.

  3. Most of my ideas come from browsing the Internet or reading. Suddenly, something clicks and I have to connect a bunch of disparate ideas.

    Love the poem. Lots of meaning there.

    1. Yes, have to act fast when an idea begins to form among the chaos. It never reappears in the same order. Thanks for visiting, Jacqui.

  4. LOL - yes I think the universe takes great delight in inspiring us when we're pencil-less.

    Lovely poem. And that zinnia looks like the perfect fireworks display - perfect.

    Congratulations on a challenge well played!

  5. Thank you so much for your comments and encouragement, Deborah. We writers are never clueless but, as you say, only sometimes pencil-less!

  6. The imagery while reading your poem was nice :) Inspiration seems to come at unexpected times for me. Wish I could turn it on and off as desired. Well, who would turn it off?

    Congratulations on a successful A to Z completion, Gail!

    Emily | My Life In Ecuador | Zoo - I live in one!

    1. The on-off switch was probably a wise choice. Can you imagine ideas constantly pouring into your thoughts? Thanks for visiting, Emily, and for sharing the AtoZ journey.

  7. A beautiful ending Gail with your inspired poem. I get inspiration when I go walking and my ego takes a back seat as I enjoy what nature has to offer ...

    1. Thanks for visiting, Susan. Nature does have a way of giving us proper perspective in our lives.

  8. what an inspirational way of thinking and glorious way of expressions!

    I am amazed with your flow and consistency of story telling .i love happy endings!

  9. Thank you Baili, for the kind words and for visiting today.

  10. I love poems.. but some of them are so complicated that I don't understand them at all. Your poetry was not one of them... Photo of the Zinnea complimented your words beautifully. I missed your blog during my A-Z challenge since I visited very few regularly.. but now I have time till next year to catch up.
